Adopting AEPs for your company
By adopting the guidelines from the API Enhancement Proposals, you establish a much tighter and efficient possibility space. APIs that follow the AEP guidance from the design stage:
- are more consistent within and across teams, reducing cognitive load for API consumers
- reduce arguments about API design decisions, thanks to the AEP specification, tools, and exemplar design patterns
Having an AEP-compliant API also means benefitting from the AEP ecosystem of tooling, such as:
- Linters and validators to ensure adherence to the AEP design specification (proto/openapi)
- A dynamic command line interface generator that make it easier to work with APIs (aepcli)
- Client-side and server-side code generators (aepc)
- … and more! Please start a discussion if there is something you wish to see, validate, or prioritize.